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Popular Automotive Industry Trends in 2022 - CarGiant

Popular Automotive Industry Trends in 2022 - CarGiant

The Indian automotive industry has transformed rapidly and is moving forward to become the world’s third-largest automotive market in volume by 2026. The socio-economic challenges faced by the industry due to the pandemic did not make the industry lose its momentum and has surfaced as a stronger and more resilient market. The pre-owned luxury car market has also picked up its pace establishing its position. The digitization and technology adoption has enabled the automotive industry transforming the automotive industry to evolve and transform.

Here are a few emerging trends impacting the automobile industry in 2022:

Electric Vehicles

Sustainable mobility solutions have been accepted widely in the country, and consumers are expressing interest in electric vehicles. Electric vehicles have taken over a huge market and are present in segments like scooters, motorcycles, compact SUVs, and a range of luxury EVs that include BMW, Porsche, Audi, and Jaguar. If you are looking for a second-hand luxury vehicleconnect with Car Giant.

Semiconductor shortage

Semiconductors or chips are potential drivers of automobile innovation. Semiconductors help in navigation, sensors, traction control, and autonomous driving aids. A massive shortage of semiconductors has been witnessed, leading to a disruption in the production of the Indian automobile industry. The crisis will however open up opportunities for the semiconductor manufacturers to invest in India.

Scrappage policy

The vehicle scrappage policy launched by the government is a directive to scrap old vehicles and reduce pollution. The policy aims to reduce environmental pollution by phasing out old or unfit vehicles running without a valid fitness certificate.


5G internet connectivity is one of the vital emerging trends in the automotive industry. The communication system with different vehicles will improve with the integration of innovative technology. The technology will maintain optimal speed, avoid traffic, and help in facilitating the early identification of crashes or roadblocks.

For the ultimate buying experience of second-hand luxury cars, Car Giant is the best-used luxury car dealer that provides their clients with the best of services and assists them in buying their desired luxury car. Car Giant offers superior quality pre-owned luxury vehicles at affordable prices. Car Giant is here to assist you with a wide range of hand-selected pre-owned luxury cars belonging to premium brands. Our team will help you to cruise away with your dream car!

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